🎙️ Rust in Art with Lisa Passing - RustShip 6 Mar 06, 2024 RustShip is a podcast where I interview other Rust developers to learn from their experiences. 🦀 In RustShip #6, Lisa Passing tells us what a creative technologist does, and how she uses Rust to create interactive artwork. ...
🎙️ Corrode.dev and lychee with Matthias Endler - RustShip 5 Nov 15, 2023 RustShip is a podcast where I interview other Rust developers to learn from their experience. ✏️ In RustShip #5, Matthias Endler walks us through corrode.dev, his Rust consultancy company, and lychee, a fast, async, stream-based link checker written in Rust. ...
🎙️ Graphite - Raster and Vector Graphics in Rust - RustShip 4 Oct 17, 2023 RustShip is a podcast where I interview other Rust developers to learn from their experience. ✏️ In RustShip #4, Keavon Chambers and Dennis Kobert walk us through Graphite, a free and open-source raster and vector graphics editor written in Rust. ...
🎙️ Atuin - Shell history sync, search and backup - Ellie Huxtable - RustShip 3 Sep 27, 2023 RustShip is a podcast where I interview other Rust developers to learn from their experience. 🏍️ In episode #3, Ellie Huxtable walked us through Atuin, a Rust CLI tool she created to boost your CTRL+R shell history search. ...
🎙️ Trustfall and cargo-semver-checks with Predrag Gruevski - RustShip Sep 13, 2023 RustShip is a podcast where I interview other Rust developers to learn from their experiences. In the second episode, Predrag Gruevski walked us through Trustfall and Cargo-semver-checks, two Rust projects he created. ...
RustShip: a new Rust podcast Aug 18, 2023 I’m excited to announce that I started RustShip: a new podcast where I interview other Rust developers to learn from their experiences. RustShip #1 — Creating successful open-source projects In the first episode, I interviewed Orhun, Arch Linux package maintainer and author of tens of open-source projects used and loved by thousands of people, including myself. ...
2022 recap, 2023 goals Jan 03, 2023 Another year has gone by, and December is the perfect time to reflect on what we’ve done in the past 12 months. Wait, but why? 🤔 Like everyone else, I don’t have enough time to do everything I want. ...
Release-plz: release Rust packages from CI Jun 26, 2022 Releasing Rust packages is tedious and error-prone, just like most IT manual tasks. For every package you want to release, you need to: Increase the version in Cargo.toml. Update the changelog. ...
CKAD: 2021 tips, vimrc, bashrc and cheatsheet Sep 06, 2021 You are probably busy studying for you exam right now, so I will try to be brief. In the following I will share the things that helped me the most in becoming a CKAD, while trying to avoid all generic tips you can find in all the other blog posts like this. ...
My 2020 Recap: Open Source, talks, meetups and more! Jan 02, 2021 I am not a huge fan of year recaps or new year’s resolutions. Mainly because I don’t like thinking about the past in general or setting goals for the future. I like to focus on the present, following my curiosity day by day and if I realize I want to accomplish something I don’t wait the new year to do it, but I try to start as soon as possible. ...